
Bucket List

Volunteer at a children's hospital

Visit Italy, and then decide to stay a while

Have something professionally published

Learn to play the guitar and piano

Dance at both my daughters weddings

Graduate with a masters degree

Kiss my husband on top of one of the pyramids

Ride in a rickshaw

Become talented at writing love letters

Buy an entire new wardrobe and get rid of all my old stuff all at once.

Rock a grandchild to sleep

Look in the mirror and be proud of my wrinkles

Grow an amazing vegetable garden

Own beautiful art

Travel the USA in a motor home

Take care of my parents when they are old half as good as they have taken care of me

Live in the same city as my sisters

Be 100% comfortable in my own skin

Star in a Broadway musical ( it could happen)


  1. very cool!
    love the getting rid of the old wardrobe and getting new! I can't wait to do that either!!

  2. Personally, my favourite is the third last.;) Now how do we make that happen? We'll have to brainstorm this summer.
