
Whats in a name?

I know that it is a little corny "The Clumsiest Butterfly". It makes Steve cringe. It is not meant to be completely literal, although, lets face it, I am not the most graceful person ever. I have always loved butterflies, before and after they were briefly in fashion in the late nineties. This is not a desperate attempt to hold on to the past. Its all the things they represent, in Israli Butterfly and spirit are the same word, in Japan they are synonimis with stillness and self reflection. To me they are symbolic of metamorphisis, of taking flight, unabashed and original beauty. I would like to find my wings, I would like to close my eyes and sleep and when I wake up I would be exactly the woman I am meant to be. Alas, any attempts to take flight on my part, are often met with face plants. So, for now, I am the clumsiest butterfly, but one of these days I am going to get the hang of things.