Can it be true that my little love Ella is seven years old? Does anybody else out there have a hard time coming to term with their children growing up? I'm not sure why I find it so hard to believe that my first born baby is not nearly a baby anymore. Ella is my little BFF, the sunshine in my soul. She is the most sweet, loving and thoughtful little girl you could ever come across. She is always making little love notes and suprises for me and her dad. She loves her baby sister and can most of the time be found cooing her little songs and reading her stories. She also loves animals. In fact, she has just spent the entire morning outside in the yard creating as she says "a thanksgiving feast for the animals." I am not sure that birds ans squirrels share her love of mudpies and leaf cakes. I do know that since the day she was born I have loved her and been thankful that I am her mom.